"Constructing a Personal Orientation to Music Teaching" ~ Campbell, Thompson, Barrett
"Sound Ways of Knowing" ~ Barrett, McCoy, Veblen
"On Musicality and Milestones" ~ Zimmerman, Campbell
"A Philosophy of Music Education, Advancing the Vision, 3rd Edition" ~ Reimer
"Transforming Music Education" ~ Jorgensen
"In Search of Education - The Case for Constructivist Classrooms" ~ JG Brooks, MG Brooks
"Frames of Mind" ~ Howard Gardner
"5 Minds for the Future" ~ Howard Gardner
"Psychology of Music" ~ Seashore
"The Inner Game of Music" ~ Green, Gallwey
There may be more added, but this is the tentative list. This blog will be used to record reactions, wonderments, inferences, and impacts gleaned from the reading.
Stay tuned!
This is quite the list! good luck